Food Science Showcase 2019 - NCIFT Student Recognition Banquet
NCIFT Annual Meeting and Student Recognition Banquet
Enjoy a delicious meal while meeting other industry professionals and UC Davis Food Science faculty, staff, and students. Student scholarship winners will be recognized before feature speaker.
Entree options include...
- Rosemary Garlic Blackened Chicken
- Burgundy Demi-Glace Tri-Tip
- Butternut Squash Ravioli (Vegetarian)
- Quinoa Stuffed Pepper (GF & Vegan)
Dinner also includes a Ceasar Salad with Ciabattta Croutons, Parmesan Cheese & dressing, Lemon Chess tart dessert, iced water, and coffee.
Want to help UC Davis Food Science students attend this event? Want your company recognized at this event? Learn about the benefits of donating to the Food Science Student Educational Enhancement Fund: .
Donors of $50 or more will be recognized at the banquet.
Food Science Showcase Schedule
All events will take place at the UC Davis Conference Center. Parking is available on campus for $9/day.
2:30 - 4:30 pm: Food Industry Fair
A networking event to bring together industry members, faculty, and current students. $50 tabling fee (; free for attendees (
4:00 - 5:30 pm: Research Poster Presentation
Learn about current research being conducted in the Department of Food Science and Technology at UC Davis. Free, no registration required
Northern California IFT Annual Meeting and Student Recognition Banquet
5:00 - 6:00 pm: Networking Reception
6:00 - 8:00 pm: Banquet Program
Please joing us in recognizing this year's scholarship winners with some amazing food and company!
FEATURED SPEAKER: Chris Davis, Ph.D, Research Fellow, Impossible Foods
Join NCIFT members, industry professionals, and UC Davis students and faculty for a night of food, learning, and student recognition. Student scholarship winners will be announced during a delicious meal, followed by a keynote address. $75 per industry representative, $50 per faculty member and $25 per student.</span>
For questions, please contact Holly Ly
Payment information:
We accept all major credit cards.
We are unable to process refunds.
Date of Event:
Mar 14, 2019
Time of Event:
UC Davis Conference Center
Price Per Banquet Ticket:
Last day to register online:
Friday, March 8, 2019